Trade, Development, and Immigration

Joining CPTPP a “momentous economic and strategic moment.”


In the Media

Harrison Griffiths writes in The Express

Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer writes in The Telegraph

Mark Littlewood quoted in City AM

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood has been quoted in City AM praising the UK’s agreement to join the CPTPP.

Mark said:

“This partnership serves as an important bulwark of free exchange at a time when protectionism and trade wars are on the rise across the globe.

“Accession opens up markets for British companies by cutting tariffs for exporters like the Scottish whisky industry, slashing red tape for trade in services and enabling greater data flows for digital trade. It also means cheaper imports for British consumers, including fruit from Peru and confectionary from Mexico.

“The benefits to Britain will likely be significantly greater than some official estimates driven by static economic models.”

Read the full piece here.

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