Society and Culture

Hate speech laws will only undermine basic liberties



Julian Jessop quoted by the Express

In the Media

Marc Glendening writes for the Express

Marc Glendening's research quoted by the Daily Mail

IEA Head of Cultural Affairs Marc Glendening’s paper, Transgender Ideology: A new threat to liberal values has been quoted by the Daily Mail and across the media.

The Daily Mail wrote:

“Labour plans for tougher hate crime laws if they enter power could lead to criminal charges for misgendering trans people, a think tank warns today. The Institute of Economic Affairs suggested that proposals revealed in 2021 and reinforced more recently by Sir Keir Starmer create ‘serious implications’ for freedom of speech around trans rights. 

“Speaking at the Pink News awards last year the former director of public prosecutions said it was ‘time for tougher hate crime laws so every LGBT+ crime is treated as an aggravated offence’. He was outlining plans first set out in 2021 to bring in ‘tougher sentences for those who commit hate crimes targeted at someone’s sexual identity, transgender identity or disability’. 

“Currently only hate crimes with a racist or religious motive are classed as aggravated offences, which attract longer sentences. 

“Report author Marc Glendinning, head of cultural affairs at the think-tank, said: ‘Many supporters of transgender ideology do not aim to win the debate but rather prevent debate from occurring.”

You can read the full article here. Marc’s paper was also shared by GB News and the Sun.

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