Tax and Fiscal Policy

Government “libertarian in rhetoric but social-democratic in delivery”


In the Media

Professor Len Shackleton quoted in the Yorkshire Post

In the Media

Annabel Denham quoted in the Daily Express

Mark Littlewood quoted in The Telegraph

When Kwasi Kwarteng was appointed as the Business Secretary in January, many had high hopes that he would live up to his credentials as an advocate for economic liberalism having co-authored  Britannia Unchained– a book advocating for free markets.

However, Kwarteng is presiding over increasing state regulation and interference in the UK economy. Director General of the IEA Mark Littlewood commented in the Telegraph that “the Johnson administration has been consistently libertarian in rhetoric but social-democratic in delivery”.

Littlewood argued that although the government is doing well on signing free trade agreements, economic liberalism “is certainly not in the DNA of the Government as it was under Margaret Thatcher.”

Read the full article here.

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