“Excellent news”: IEA Fellow comments on UK-India trade and investment deals


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IEA research featured in the Lancashire Times

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Responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement of new trade and investment deals with India, IEA Fellow and Competere CEO Shanker Singham said:

“It is excellent news that Boris Johnson and Narendra Modi are accelerating their free trade talks, much in line with what my briefing paper, published on 22nd April by the Institute of Economic Affairs, recommended.

“It is important that Prime Minister Modi acknowledges the challenges I outlined, especially in the area of property rights protection, and the cases I highlighted where property rights were being violated. Satisfactory resolution of these will be important to making progress on what could be a very exciting and geopolitically important trade deal.”


Notes to Editors

Contact: Annabel Denham, Director of Communications, 07540770774

The recent IEA briefing paper, titled Eastern Promise: Assessing the Future of UK-India Trade and authored by Shanker Singham, is available to download here.

To mark the launch of the briefing paper the IEA hosted a webinar with panellists Dinesh Dhamija, Syed Kamall, Imran Ahmad Khan MP and Shanker Singham. The webinar is available to view here.

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