EU recalcitrance justifies unilateral action


In the Media

Marc Glendening writes for CapX


Christopher Snowdon comments for the Daily Mail

Victoria Hewson writes for City AM

Victoria Hewson, IEA Head of Regulatory Affairs, has written for City AM on the damaging impact that the Northern Ireland Protocol, in its current state, is having on Northern Ireland’s economy and on the Good Friday Agreement, which the Protocol was designed to protect.

Victoria argues that the high cost of maintaining the Protocol, which is calculated to be £850 million, and the growing distance between its original intention and the reality of its implementation, justifies the UK taking unilateral action to change the Protocol.

“Of course, a negotiated solution would be preferable, but we know from experience that the EU will not change its position just because we ask it to. Those who call on the British government to hold off on unilateral actions need to have an answer to what should be done if the EU maintains its current position.”

Read the full article here.

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