
End unfair inheritance taxes now


Housing and Planning

Kristian Niemietz writes for The TImes

Matthew Lesh writes for The Telegraph

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has written for The Telegraph explaining how ending inheritance taxes can create a fairer economy without much cost to the Treasury.

Matthew wrote:

“Inheritance tax is pernicious and unfair. But most disgracefully, it barely raises any revenue, contributing just £7 billion, less than 1 per cent of government revenues.

“Nothing is unethical about working hard throughout your lifetime, paying taxes at every stage, scrimping and saving, and wanting to hand on what is left to your children. The state has no intrinsic entitlement to your remaining wealth when you die – it is yours, and you should be free to do with it whatever you like.

“Several countries have abolished inheritance taxes since the turn of the century, including Scandinavian social democracies such as Sweden (2004) and Norway (2014). There’s nothing to stop the United Kingdom from being next.”

You can read the full article here.

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