
‘Dynamic’ Alignment with EU Brings Big Risks


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in The i

In the Media

IEA research referenced in 'Wrong Side of History'

Matthew Lesh quoted in Guido Fawkes

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has been quoted in Guido Fawkes warning that Labour Party proposals for more ‘dynamic alignment’ with the European Union could risk a ‘worst of both worlds’ scenario in which Britain takes EU rules without having a say in their creation.

Matthew said:

“This Labour manifesto commitment is a big deal for the future trajectory of UK-EU relations. It is difficult to imagine the UK getting a veterinary agreement with the EU without a commitment to ‘dynamic alignment’ with the EU’s regulations on animal health, food safety, and plants. This would turn the UK into a rule-taker, limiting our ability to embrace new technologies and sign trade deals. It would be handing significant powers back to the EU, with the UK expected to adopt rules and decisions without any input from Parliament.”

Read the full article here.

Matthew was also quoted in The Daily Mail.

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