Lifestyle Economics

Doctors endanger pubs


Fuel Pump Closeup

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Spectator

In the Media

IEA research quoted in The Mail

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Times, The Independent, and The Sun

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics, Christopher Snowdon, has been quoted by The Times in their piece on how a lower drink driving limit would harm the pub sector.

Christopher wrote:

“Scotland lowered the drink driving limit several years ago. It was predicted to reduce traffic accidents and road deaths but subsequent evaluations showed that it did nothing but damage the pub trade.

“Ian Gilmore is Britain’s leading temperance activist so he won’t mind if more pubs close, but he gives the game away when he says he wants the limit reduced to almost nothing. 

“This would not just stop people drinking anything before they drive, it would discourage them from drinking in the evening if they were going to drive in the morning. It is an anti-alcohol policy, not a road safety policy.”

You can read the full piece here.

Christopher’s comment was also quoted in The Telegraph, The Independent, The Sun, and The Mail.

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