
Cut red tape to stop cultured meat industry fleeing UK


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in The Express and The Mirror

In the Media

Kristian Niemietz quoted in Money Week

Matthew Lesh quoted in The Telegraph

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has been quoted in The Daily Telegraph urging policymakers to overhaul red tape pushing cultivated meat entrepreneurs away from Britain to countries like America and Singapore.

Matthew said:

“The EU’s novel food regulatory process is extraordinarily slow, overly cumbersome and creates significant uncertainties for innovators.

“British regulators haven’t clarified requirements for cultivated meat, leaving companies in the dark about what to submit, which could lead to insurmountable requirements.

“Brexit provides the UK with the opportunity to diverge, but we are so far failing to grasp the mantle.”

Read the full article here.

In January 2023, Matthew authored Bangers and Cash, a paper which highlighted the potential of cultivated meat products and urged policymakers to overhaul red tape burdening Britain’s industry.

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