
COVID inquiry must be open to dissenting views


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Critic

In the Media

Harrison Griffiths writes for

IEA research referenced in Conservative Woman

Did Lockdowns Work?, a new book published by the IEA on the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns has been referenced in the Conservative Woman magazine.

The article said:

“This month the Institute of Economic Affairs published a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the effect of lockdowns on Covid-19 mortality based on empirical evidence. The IEA says the Herby-Jonung-Hanke meta-analysis found that ‘lockdowns prevented 1,700 deaths in England and Wales, 6,000 deaths across Europe, and 4,000 deaths in the United States. Lockdowns prevented relatively few deaths compared to a typical flu season – in England and Wales, 18,500–24,800 flu deaths occur, in Europe 72,000 flu deaths occur, and in the United States 38,000 flu deaths occur in a typical flu season. These results pale in comparison with the Imperial College London’s modelling exercises (March 2020), which predicted that lockdowns would save over 400,000 lives in the United Kingdom and over 2million lives in the United States . . . Covid-19 lockdowns were ‘a global policy failure of gigantic proportions,’ according to this peer-reviewed new academic study. The draconian policy failed to significantly reduce deaths while imposing substantial social, cultural, and economic costs.”

Read the full article here.

You can also find out more about the book and download a free copy here.

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