Cambridge college wrong to impose Critical Race Theory on students


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in the Express

Commenting on the decision by Wolfson College, Cambridge to impose a mandatory ‘anti-racism’ workshop on new students, Marc Glendening, Head of Cultural Affairs at free market think tank the Institute for Economic Affairs, said:

“This represents a further example of the dominance of Critical Race Theory, an anti-liberal and blatantly anti-white ideology, in UK universities.

“Students will be subjected to this doctrine, which asserts Britain is a ‘structurally’ racist country that manifests ‘white supremacy’, without any debate and intellectual challenge.

“This is a crude attempt to associate an entire category of people, identified by skin tone alone, with the negative attribute of keeping persons from ethnic minority backgrounds in a subordinate position.“What Wolfson College is doing is reviving the racialist politics of the 1930s in an updated form. Students should instead be encouraged to see one another as individuals who have the equal right to express whatever beliefs they subjectively adhere to.”

Notes to editors

Contact: Emily Carver, Head of Media, 07715 942 731, spokespeople are available for interview or further comment.

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