Government and Institutions

Behemoth nanny state has undermined Beveridge’s vision


Energy and Environment

Matthew Bowles writes in CapX

IEA Policy Advisor Matthew Bowles has written in CapX on the epidemic of paternalism enveloping the UK.

Matthew wrote:

“What was designed to provide a safety net has become an all-encompassing, hugely expensive, part of national life. The idea of government as provider rather than insurer reached its apogee during the pandemic, when the Treasury was paying millions of people’s wages at a huge cost to future taxpayers.

“A more recent example of Britain’s paternalistic drift is Sadiq Khan’s commitment to give all primary school children in London free school meals. Although younger children already get free meals as standard, by extending this to older cohorts the Mayor of London is moving away from a means-tested system which prioritises those most in need.”

Read Matthew’s full piece here.

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