Labour Market

Government must do more to tempt workers back into the labour market


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon appears on the CapX podcast

In the Media

Prof. Len Shackleton quoted in The Express

IEA Labour Market Expert Professor Len Shackleton has been quoted in The Daily Express discussing the Chancellor’s goal of getting more people back into work.

Len said:

“Many of those the Chancellor wants to get back into jobs will be low-productivity workers not highly trained, skilled…

“It will take quite a lot to tempt high-end workers, with big pensions, to give up the golf course. Boosting productivity significantly would require a serious attempt to deregulate in areas such as housing, legacy European laws and the labour market, and cutting business and personal tax. There is no sign of this from the Government, alas.”

The full article can be read here.

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