When Bubbles Burst: Surviving the Financial Fallout
- 24/06/2009
The Institute of Economic Affairs invites you to attend an IEA Book Launch:
When Bubbles Burst:
Surviving the Financial Fallout
(published by Nicholas Brealey Publishing)
by John Calverley
Wednesday 24th June 2009
6.30pm – 8.00pm (with brief remarks by the Author at 7.00pm)
2 Lord North Street, Westminster, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)
Click To Buy –
‘When Bubbles Burst: Surviving the Financial Fallout’
Indispensable for everyone who wants to understand how bubbles arise – and how to avoid being caught out by the next one’ Professor Roger Bootle, Capital Economics
Bubbles matter. They have become the driver of booms and busts in economies around the world over the last 20 years and, this time, have nearly destroyed the banking system while causing probably the worst recession since the Second World War.
What will be the outcome of the current financial crisis? How bad will the recession get? Could it turn into a depression? How far will house prices fall? Will the downturn lead to deflation or will the measures to deal with it eventually lead to inflation?
These are some of the questions that John Calverley addresses in this extremely timely and topical new book. Following on from his classic Bubbles – and How to Survive Them (Nicholas Brealey, 2004) where he predicted the asset price crash, here he helps everyone understand what’s going on, how policy impinges on it, what investors can do and what is likely to happen. The book examines in depth the financial fallout of 2008 and explores the implications and solutions for individuals, companies and policy makers alike.
John Calverley is Head of Research, North America, Standard Chartered Bank. He was previously Chief Economist and Strategist of American Express Bank. His earlier books include Bubbles and How to Survive Them. He is a well-known commentator and appears frequently on CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg and other television stations.
E-MAIL TO: iea@iea.org.uk OR BY FAX (020 7799 2137)
OR PHONE (020 7799 8900).