Venue:The Vinson Centre, University of Buckingham
Vinson Centre Seminar on The Welfare State as a Tradition with Dr. Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen
- 15/02/2024
16:00 - 18:00
The talk will discuss how Denmark changed from a predominant laissez faire economic order to a social universal welfare state in the 20th century. Particularly whether this change in fundamental institutional logics can be explained by a failed state situation that required a reformulation of state efficiency and legitimacy, and invention of a new tradition of redistribution. Changes in fundamental institutional logics are rare, but occurring throughout modern states. As such this case study and related theoretical model might prove generally pertinent. It is further relevant because Denmark specifically is an often referred to, but little understood, country in international academic and policy debates. In particular, our speaker argues that failed state situations and public servant and electoral self-interest can propel fundamental changes in institutional logics more so than ideology, if these can manage to create new national narratives, traditions and norms.
The talk will be hosted by the Vinson Centre for the Public Understanding of Economics and Entrepreneurship at the Enterprise Hub, Vinson Building (1st floor), University of Buckingham.
To register, please click here.
Venue:The Vinson Centre, University of Buckingham