The Malign Influence of NGO’s
- 28/10/2009
The extent to which foreign NGOs, especially those with single issue agendas, are having an increasingly malign impact on policy making throughout Africa will be demonstrated by two case studies from Kenya. The first of these involves the new Land Policy (part and parcel of the Kofi Annan Agreements) and the second involves Conservation Policy (on which Kenya’s tourism industry largely depends). It is through the financial strength and access to economic and political elites that foreign NGOs possess that they are able to subvert and undermine the political process of policy making and get acceptance for their minority views.
Mike Norton-Griffiths has been a resident of east Africa since 1969, first as the senior ecologist in the Serengeti National Park, then as founder and CEO of an environmental consulting company, and later with the United Nations Environment Programme. In 1992 he was a Visiting Scientist at HIID, Harvard, after which he joined Professor David Pearce’s group, CSERGE, at UCL. Back in Kenya he continues to consult on economic issues of land use and conservation. More recently he has been a Lone Mountain Research Fellow at PERC, in Bozeman, Montana, and has set up national wildlife census and monitoring units in Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
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