The IEA at Big Tent Ideas Festival


  • 08/09/2018
    16:00 - 17:50
The IEA will be attending the Big Tent Ideas Festival – a day long festival which brings together thinkers from across the political spectrum to debate some of the most pressing questions in economics, society and culture.

This year’s Festival will be held on Saturday 8 September, at the Babraham Research and Innovation Campus in Cambridge.

The IEA will be hosting two panels in the Economy Tent – one on young people and socialism, the other on reforming Britain’s complex tax code.

Our tax panel will include:

– Bim Afolami MP
– Polly Mackenzie, Director of Demos 
– Mark Littlewood, Director General, IEA
– Dr Jamie Whyte, Director of Research, IEA

Our youth panel will include:

– Kate Andrews, Associate Director of the IEA
– Katy Balls, Political Correspondent of The Spectator
– Claire Fox – Director, Academy of Ideas
– Dr Kristian Niemietz, Head of Health and Welfare, IEA
– Lee Rowley MP

Be sure to join our tax panel between 4 and 4.50 pm and our Millennials panel between 5 and 5.50pm. 

You can follow this link and use our discount code ‘IEA’ to get your ticket.