Take off or landing? The UK’s aviation policy – is it a policy for economic growth?


  • 03/12/2014
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The Institute of Economic Affairs invites you to a panel discussion on the future of aviation in the UK.

Key questions will include:

  • Does the UK need a ‘Mega Hub’ airport or will a trend towards high-frequency direct flights make the economic case for hubs obsolete?

  • Who is best placed to decide on such matters – a government commission, elected representatives, transport economists, airport operators, or none of the above?

  • Is Gatwick’s recent proposal to financially compensate local residents a step in the right direction, and if so, can we hardwire the logic of this approach into the system rather than relying on ad hoc proposals? Are there better options?

  • How strong is the economic case for airport expansion?

  • Is airport expansion compatible with the UK’s carbon reduction targets?

Speakers include:

  • Charles Kirwan-Taylor, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director, Gatwick

  • Steven Costello, Director, Heathrow Hub

  • Douglas Andrew, former Director of Economic Regulation Group, CAA

  • Dr Kristian Niemietz, Senior Research Fellow, IEA

More speakers to be announced.

RSVP: By email or 0207 799 8900.