Live with Littlewood


  • 14/05/2020
    18:00 - 19:30
As government intervention and central planning are being used as tools to combat coronavirus, there will be growing calls for parts of the socialist’s handbook to continue once we return to normality. Similarly, there are increasing calls for protectionist measures and a pushback against global supply chains. What challenges do free marketeers face after coronavirus? How do we fight them?

And what about the implications for freedom – with the lockdown stretching out before us and contact tracing seemingly the only way out?

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood was joined by other think tank experts and commentators for a thought-provoking, interactive discussion.

‘Live with Littlewood’ was livestreamed on YouTube on Thursday 14th May. Catch up here.


John Ashmore, Editor, CapX

Robert Colvile, Director, Centre for Policy Studies

Rachel Cunliffe, Comment and Features Editor, City A.M.

Dr Stephen Davies, Head of Education, Institute of Economic Affairs

Dominic Frisby, author and comedian

Madeline Grant, Assistant Comment Editor, Daily Telegraph

Matthew Lesh, Head of Research, Adam Smith Institute

Toby Young, author and General Secretary of the Free Speech Union

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