Inequality – Does it matter?


  • 04/10/2016
    14:30 - 15:45
An IEA event at the Conservative Party Conference.

Please note that this event is taking place inside the secure zone and a conference pass will be required to attend. They can be purchased from the Conservative Party here. There is no need to book a seat in advance, seating is first come, first served.

About the event

We will be holding a debate to look at whether the debate about inequality has missed the point, and whether in fact we should be interested in improving the welfare of the poor and eliminating absolute poverty. Has the left become obsessed with the rich and deserted the poor?


  • Steve Baker MP, Member, Treasury Select Committee

  • Ryan Bourne, Head of Public Policy, IEA

  • Christian May, Editor, City AM (Chair)

  • Polly Toynbee, Columnist, The Guardian

  • Rt Hon Lord David Willetts,  Executive Chair, Resolution Foundation


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