In Conversation with Charles Murray – Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission


  • 14/10/2015
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The IEA is delighted to invite you to attend an in conversation event with the American libertarian political scientist, author, columnist, and pundit Charles Murray

The IEA’s Director General Mark Littlewood will conduct the conversation.

The discussion will focus on Charles’ latest book on civil disobedience and “Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission.”

About Charles

Charles Murray is a political scientist, author, and libertarian. He presently serves as the Templeton Leadership Fellow at Atlas Network, in addition to being the W. H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.  He first came to national attention in 1984 with the publication of Losing Ground, which has been credited as the intellectual foundation for the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. His 1994 New York Times bestseller, The Bell  Curve  sparked heated controversy for its analysis of the role of IQ in shaping America’s class structure. His most recent book, “By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission” explains how civil society can stem governmental overreach and roll back the regulatory state.

RSVP: via email or on 0207 799 8900.