Implications of coronavirus on the criminal Justice system – with Dr Nick Cowen


  • 22/04/2020
    13:00 - 14:00
The IEA welcomes you to our Academic Webinar series. This week Dr Nick Cowen, University of Lincoln, will be joined by Syed Kamall, IEA Academic and Research Director, to discuss the wider implications that coronavirus may have on the criminal justice system.

Criminal justice systems are tasked with enforcing the radical social distancing measures imposed on the general public. Yet in the UK, the prison system forcibly concentrates tens of thousands of people into accommodation with little space and that is often overcapacity, generating risks of mass infection in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nick Cowen will examine contemporary criminal justice policy from an economic point of view and look at the challenges and opportunities presented by the current crisis.

If you would like to attend, you can request a space by clicking here

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