Venue:Institute of Economic Affairs
Venue Phone: 020 7799 8900
Front door located on Great Peter Street
IEA Book Club Event: In Conversation with Douglas Carswell – Progress Vs Parasites
- 11/09/2019
18:00 - 20:00
States rise and empires fall, as the balance between the two shifts from one another. Douglas argues that it is the idea of freedom that ultimately allows the productive to escape the parasitic and thus decides whether a society flourishes or flounders. In this robust defence of classical liberalism, Progress Vs Parasites shows that the greatest threat to human progress today – as it has been in every age – is the idea that human affairs need to be ordered by top-down design.
If you would like to know more about the IEA Book Club, and attend the event, please email bookclub@iea.org.uk
Chair: Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs
Speaker: Douglas Carswell
Venue:Institute of Economic Affairs
Venue Phone: 020 7799 8900
Front door located on Great Peter Street