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Elections briefing with Frank Luntz


  • 26/02/2015
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
‘Interested in an original take on the most unpredictable General Election in a generation?

The IEA is delighted to invite you to a presentation by Frank Luntz, the man Sir David Frost described as “The Nostradamus of pollsters.”

Best known for conjuring and composing such political messaging dynamite as ‘the Contract With America’ or ‘Death Tax’, he will present his latest language lessons from the recent US mid-terms, which saw the Republicans sweep back into power in Congress.  As you’d expect from a Harvard/Princeton lecturer, he will give his own take on the intricacies and implications of the new forces shaping public opinion on both sides of the Atlantic in 2015.  And there will be videos…

Frank is a widely respected strategist, pollster, and “public opinion guru.” Despite mainly assisting Republican causes, even Barack Obama has said “When Frank Luntz invites you to talk to his focus group, you talk to his focus group.” A full biography is available here.

With the results of the next General Election on a knife edge, Frank’s insights, advice, and predictions will be unmissable.

RSVP to or on 0207 799 8900.