Economic regulation of new runway capacity


  • 23/10/2014
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Speakers: Iain Osborne, Group Director of Regulation, Civil Aviation Authority; Andrew Williams-Fry, Head of Regulatory Strategy & Chief Economist, Gatwick Airport; and Andrew Sentance, Senior Economic Adviser, PWC.

With the Airports Commission due to publish its final report in 2015, debate continues over whether and how to meet the demand for new capacity in the South East. This lecture will review the background to airport regulation with the recent completion of the Q6 quinquennial review and the impact of the break-up of BAA and assess how the CAA’s new powers will be used to assess market power in the light of new capacity, and how capacity development could be regulated and financed.

The Beesley Lectures are a series of eight annual lectures covering regulated industries in the UK. The lectures are held in memory of Professor Michael Beesley, who was a leading architect of the British  system of utility regulation and a Managing Trustee of the Institute of Economic Affairs. He founded the series in 1991 and organised them until his death in 1999.

The lectures are taking place every Thursday between 2nd October and 20th November this year, at the Institute of Directors. Evenings will begin at 6.30pm and delegates are encouraged to network over refreshments until 7pm, when the lecture will commence. Lectures will last for one hour, followed by a 20-minute response before handing over to the audience for extended discussion. The proceedings will end at 8.45pm with refreshments.

For more information, click here.

The lectures are organised with the assistance of the Centre for Competition & Regulatory Policy, City University.

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