Venue:IEA, 2 Lord North Street, SW1 (Door on Great Peter Street)
Britain and the European Union: Better off out?
- 11/12/2012
Speakers include:
Prof Tim Congdon CBE, Chief Executive, International Monetary Research Ltd;
Martin Howe QC, 8 New Square, Lincoln’s Inn;
Mats Persson, Director, Open Europe;
John Stevens, Former MEP; and
Gisela Stuart, Labour MP for Birmingham Edgbaston
Over the next few months, the IEA will be having a series of panel discussions examining the economic aspects of Britain’s place within the EU. The first of these will follow the theme of an IEA monograph from just over a decade ago: “Better off out?” and look at the economic advantages and disadvantages of Britain’s continued membership of the EU from the perspective of promoting a free economy here in the UK. Our Panellists will examine the various options open to the UK: continued membership and integration; possible exit from the EU; and continued membership of the EU but on different terms. They will discuss these options in the context of their implications for trade, regulation, the common agricultural and fisheries policy and other vital economic policy areas.
RSVP (acceptances only please) by email or phone: 0207 799 8900
Venue:IEA, 2 Lord North Street, SW1 (Door on Great Peter Street)