
The Future of the Euro

  •  10/11/2010
Though the Euro crisis is not in the headlines right now, the fundamental problems remain. Structural imbalances, government indebtedness and rigid labour markets all mean that EU countries have great difficulty responding to economic shocks. The ceding of control over monetary policy in the Euro zone countries seems to have removed the only mechanism to (more…)


2 Lord North Street, Westminster, SW1 (entrance on Great Peter Street)

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The IEA presents an Occasional Lecture by Dr Mark Skousen

  •  02/11/2010
Dr Mark Skousen, author of "Vienna and Chicago, Friends or Foes?", will address the major differences between the Austrian and Chicago schools in confronting the ongoing global financial crisis, both in cause and policy prescriptions. The Chicago monetarists have never worried much about asset bubbles, while the Austrians accurately predicted the macro effects of the (more…)
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Delivered by Prof Jesús Huerta de Soto

  •  28/10/2010
This year's LSE Hayek lecture is being given by an IEA author and we are delighted to support this event. The eminent Professor Jesús Huerta De Soto will present his innovative solutions to the banking crisis and the credit crunch, working within the tradition of the Austrian School masters. Prof de Soto will unveil proposed (more…)


Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, London School of Economics

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The IEA is delighted to announce the 2010 Beesley Lectures

  •  28/10/2010
The Beesley Lectures are a series of eight annual lectures covering regulated industries in the UK. Now in their twentieth year, the lectures are held in memory of Professor Michael Beesley, who was a leading architect of the British system of utility regulation and a Managing Trustee of the Institute of Economic Affairs. He founded (more…)
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