
The latest edition of this annual report, published in association with the Institute of Economic Affairs

Economic Freedom of the World The index published in Economic Freedom of the World measures the degree to which the … Continue reading “Economic Freedom of the World 2015 Annual Report”

Going ‘the whole hog’ in healthcare reform would not require a revolution

Summary: In recent years, the healthcare debate has been dominated by allegations that the ‘privatisation of the NHS’ was in … Continue reading “A Patient Approach: Putting the consumer at the heart of UK healthcare”

Decriminalising Britain’s £4bn sex industry would increase protection of women

Summary: New evidence from international sex surveys show large and continuing differences between male and female perspectives on sexuality in … Continue reading “Supply and Desire: Sexuality and the Sex Industry in the 21st Century”

New research from the IEA outlines the serious shortfalls of the REF scheme as a way to fund higher education.

Summary The Research Excellence Framework (REF) assesses the research generated by UK universities. Most recently conducted in 2014, it is … Continue reading “Abolishing the Research Excellence Framework”

New research debunks the myth that high taxes and a large welfare state are responsible for the success of the Nordic region

To download a copy to your e-reader, click here. To purchase a copy of Scandinavian unexceptionalism: Culture, Markets and the Failure … Continue reading “Scandinavian Unexceptionalism: Culture, Markets and the Failure of Third-Way Socialism”