Government and Institutions

An alternative constitution for the EU has been suggested by a group of academic experts, today, in a report released by the IEA*. In a multi-authored study they strongly criticise the on-going process attempting to develop the new European Constitution

The IEA’s authors suggest a different constitutional model that is highly practical whilst soundly grounded in political theory and historical … Continue reading “IEA authors call for new model for Europe”
Housing and Planning

The current planning system satisfies nobody and should be privatised, argues John Corkindale, former economic advisor to the Department of the Environment and author of The Land Use Planning System, Evaluating Options for Reform.

Currently, rights to develop land are nationalised permission is required from local authorities or national government to develop or change … Continue reading “Get Politicians Out of Planning”

For Immediate Release. Stakeholder models of corporate governance should be opposed, argues Dr Elaine Sternberg, author of Corporate Governance: Accountability in the Marketplace, the latest paper from the iea.

In this robust and comprehensively free-market defence of Anglo-American systems of corporate governance, the author argues that stakeholder models allow … Continue reading “Shareholders Harmed by Regulation of Corporate Governance”
Monetary Policy

Keep interest rates unchanged for the moment but increase them within the next three months was the conclusion of the iea's Shadow Monetary Policy Committee (SMPC), the long standing group of distinguished economists, at its January meeting.

The SMPC judged that world economic growth was likely to be strong in 2004 and there were inflationary risks ahead. … Continue reading “Base Rates Should Rise During The Next Quarter”
Society and Culture

New research paper estimates that critics reviews benefited West End theatre by £19m in 2003 but that the impact of The Evening Standard was negative by nearly £2m.

A new research paper estimates that critics reviews benefited West End theatre by £19m in 2003 but that the impact … Continue reading “Estimating the financial impact of the West End’s theatre critics”
Trade, Development, and Immigration

Embargoed for 00.01 hours, 19th December. "There are serious difficulties with the current approach to helping less developed countries", said Dr. Razeen Sally of the LSE, the editor of a multi-authored study out today from the iea.

“There are serious difficulties with the current approach to helping less developed countries”, said Dr. Razeen Sally of the LSE, … Continue reading “Foreign Aid Spells an Unhappy Christmas for World’s Poor”

Free and compulsory state education is a middle class rip-off, which has damaged the poor and led to lower literacy rates than those in pre 1870 Britain

Free and compulsory state education is a middle class rip-off, which has damaged the poor and led to lower literacy … Continue reading “Abolish Compulsory Education, say iea authors. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE”