
Professor John Hibbs, one of the architects of bus de-regulation sets out the dangers of re-regulation

A new study published today by the IEA* suggests that re-regulation of the bus industry following the Transport Act 2000 … Continue reading “Bus Services at Risk Due to EU and UK Government Regulation says IEA Author John Hibbs”
Labour Market

A new study suggests the young, those nearing retirement age and the unemployed are most likely to be harmed by employment regulation

The young, those nearing retirement age and the unemployed suffer from the strict labour market regulation that exists in most … Continue reading “European Employment Regulation Hits the Most Vulnerable”
Monetary Policy

Bank of England should be cautious reducing interest rates when the money supply is expanding rapidly

In a groundbreaking study for the Institute of Economic Affairs, leading economist Tim Congdon argues that movements in the general … Continue reading “Property and Share Price Booms are Caused by Loose Monetary Policy”
Economic Theory

The condensed version of Hayek's classic The Road to Serdom is reissued by the IEA

On its 50th Anniversary the IEA has reprinted the condensed Reader’s Digest version of The Road to Serfdom with Hayek’s … Continue reading “The Road to Serfdom – the book that inspired the foundation of the IEA – is reissued”
Society and Culture

IEA study argues that identifying the influence of social networks on crime points the way to more effective weapons to combat it

The reason crime rates soar in some areas and remain low in others is closely linked to the people we … Continue reading “One bad apple really can spoil the barrel, says new crime study”