Trade, Development, and Immigration

Mark Littlewood comments on the government's latest immigration announcement

Responding to today’s anticipated announcement on an immigration cap, Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs, said … Continue reading “Auctioning off visas would cut bureaucracy and free up business”

The IEA proposes a solution that would simplify the benefits system much further

In a new report released today, Transforming welfare – incentives, localisation and non-discrimination, the IEA endorses the general direction of … Continue reading “A new report from the IEA argues for the introduction of a Negative Income Tax”
Tax and Fiscal Policy

Mark Littlewood comments on the Comprehensive Spending Review

In commenting on today’s Spending Review, Mark Littlewood, Director General at the Institute of Economic Affairs, calls for more radical … Continue reading “CSR stems the bleeding, but coalition now needs strategy for growth”