Tax and Fiscal Policy

Government should not be taking the risks from business lending that banks are not willing to bear themselves

Responding to Vince Cable’s announcement of a £1billion state-backed small business bank, Mark Littlewood, Director General at the Institute of … Continue reading “Cable’s business bank plan is both risky and incoherent”

Lib Dem proposals are no substitute for a properly functioning housing market

Responding to Nick Clegg’s pension-backed mortgage proposals, Philip Booth, Editorial and Programme Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:
  … Continue reading “Scheme to guarantee mortgages with pensions completely flawed”

Mark Littlewood's recommendations for the government's Red Tape Challenge

Embargoed until 00.01 Thursday 20 September 2012  To unleash growth for start-ups the government must create exemptions in employment law … Continue reading “Employment law exemptions are key to unlocking growth for Challenger Businesses”