Lifestyle Economics

Reaction to calls for the government to increase duty on 'cheap' alcohol

Commenting on the Alcohol Health Alliance’s call on government to increase duty on cheap, high strength alcohol, Christopher Snowdon, Head … Continue reading “IEA Response to the Alcohol Health Alliance: Tax all alcohol at the same rate”
Labour Market

IEA comment on the High Pay Centre's analysis of executive pay

Commenting on the High Pay Centre’s analysis of executive pay released today, Kate Andrews, News Editor at the Institute of … Continue reading “‘Fat Cat Wednesday’ distracts focus from crucial issues of low pay & cost of living crisis”

IEA releases report on the disability benefit system

Employment rates of the disabled are extremely low, with less than half of disabled people in the UK in work. … Continue reading “Reform of disability benefit system must be prioritised in face of an ageing population”
Government and Institutions

IEA releases report on the effectiveness of 'industrial strategy'

A new report released today from the Institute of Economic Affairs debunks several of the Government’s claims around the efficacy … Continue reading “UK’s current version of industrial strategy will do little to boost productivity, argues IEA”
Lifestyle Economics

Reaction to NICE recommendation to scan those who drink above a certain amount of alcohol

Commenting on NICE’s recommendation that those drinking above a certain number of units per week should be sent for scans … Continue reading “Testing drinkers on the basis of arbitrary targets would be a gross waste of NHS resources”