Tax and Fiscal Policy

Budget Avoids Tackling Core Economic Problems


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The i

In the Media

Tom Clougherty quoted in FT Advisor

Tom Clougherty quoted in The Telegraph

IEA Executive Director Tom Clougherty has been quoted in The Daily Telegraph responding to the Budget.

Tom said:

“There’s no getting away from the fact that raising living standards in the long run depends on generating faster economic growth. And that means prioritising tax reforms with genuine pro-growth impact, fixing our broken planning system so that we can build more of everything, and accepting that we need to couple spending restraint with major reforms to public services.

“As always, there are good and bad things in this Budget. But if we take a broader view of economic policy, it hasn’t really moved us any closer to where we need to be.”

Read more here.

Tom’s comment was also quoted in Guido Fawkes, Conservative Home, Yahoo!, Scottish Financial Review, Trustnet, and Tech Resellers.

Read Tom’s full comment here.

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