
State pension age scrutinised at ThinkTent


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IEA ThinkTent panel featured on BBC News and in The Independent

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Andy Mayer quoted in City AM

IEA/TPA ThinkTent panel featured in The Telegraph

The IEA and Taxpayers’ Alliance In Conversation with…Lord Frost ThinkTent event at Conservative Party Conference has been featured in The Daily Telegraph.

The article said:

“The state pension age might have to be raised to 75 to make public spending sustainable, Lord Frost has said.

“Asked by Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs think tank, whether the state pension age will have to be raised to 70 to cut the mushrooming welfare budget, Lord Frost replied: ‘Or 75. People are much healthier now. We do need to do something like freezing the public sector health budget and finding a just way that public sector spending needs to go into the private sector.

“’We spend one trillion on public spending, if we took £200 billion out over a parliament that would make a difference but it would be hard to do’.”

Read the full piece here.

Watch IEA Director General Mark Littlewood and Taxpayers’ Alliance Chief Executive John O’Connell’s full conversation with Lord Frost here.

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