Government and Institutions

Rule of law under threat in Hungary



Mark Littlewood writes for the Sunday Times

Fraud Focus: Is the Is the Serious Fraud Office fit for purpose? by James Forder
In the Media

James Forder quoted in WIREDGOV

Government and Institutions

Adam Bartha quoted in Expresso

IEA’s Head of International Relations, Adam Bartha, was quoted in the Portuguese newspaper Expresso, where he expressed his concern about continued democratic backsliding in EU member states like Poland and Hungary.

Adam commented

“The Commission’s annual rule of law report is an admirable attempt, but ultimately an exercise in futility, to improve the foundations of liberal democracy. Albeit it’s important to highlight the shortcomings of various governments, unless the EU’s institutional structure changes, these reports will not make much of a difference besides creating media headlines. Hungary’s situation is case in point; despite the Commission withholding the Next Generation Funds, Hungary continues down the road of illiberal democracy. 

You can read the full article here.

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