
The NHS needs surgery, not more cash



IEA research cited in The Telegraph

In the Media

Professor Len Shackleton quoted in the Daily Express

Christopher Snowdon writes for the Daily Mail

In an op-ed for the Daily Mail, IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon argued that we are deluded to think the NHS is a world beating health service, as data suggests we lag behind on key indicators such as numbers of doctors and cancer survival rates compared to European nations.

Pouring more money into the NHS will fail to make any difference as extra funds will be swallowed up by middle management and bureaucracy. We need major structural reform to ensure a truly world class health service.

Christopher argued: “Just as it is possible for Americans to oppose their country’s foreign policy while supporting the troops, it should be possible for Britons to criticise the structure and management of the NHS while appreciating the work done by its staff. If we want a truly ‘world-beating’ NHS, we need to abandon the delusion that it already is. When other countries are producing better health outcomes with fewer resources, we should put patriotism aside and learn from them“.

Read the full article here.

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