The delay to ‘freedom day’ shows the state is not willing to relinquish its new powers



Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator


Annabel Denham writes for The Telegraph

Victoria Hewson writes for CapX

In an op-ed for CapX, IEA Head of Regulatory Affairs Victoria Hewson argued that the idea that restrictions must remain until all risk is eliminated is a threat to freedom, adding that the government’s Covid strategy lacks the necessary Parliamentary scrutiny.

Victoria said: “I have written before about the troubling inversion of the traditional view that impositions on fundamental freedoms must be justified, with benefits shown to outweigh the costs, to the Government’s present position that impositions on our freedom of association are to remain until it is satisfied that (unspecified) risks have been eliminated. Some have questioned the efficacy of maintaining restrictions at this point“.

Read the full article here.

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