
Poll showing just one in ten Brits wants to scrap EU regulations on environment, food and jobs was “misleading”


In the Media
In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in the Daily Telegraph

Victoria Hewson quoted in iNews

A YouGov poll showing just one in ten Brits wants to scrap EU regulations on environment, food and jobs was “misleading”, says the IEA’s Head of Regulatory Affairs, Victoria Hewson.

Quoted by iNews, Victoria added that “Food and product standards were nothing to do with level playing field commitments sought by the EU, until the brazen last minute inclusion of food safety under the heading of environmental protection in the mandate published earlier this week.

If the poll had asked “Should the British Government or the EU decide on our laws?’ the answer to their questions may well have been different. The real red herring is the EU’s insistence that its rules and standards must be adhered to to prevent unfair competition.”

Read the full article here.

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