
Government’s review of costly HS2 is welcome, says IEA rail expert


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Mark Littlewood comments on the Shadow Chancellor's pre-spending review speech

HS2 was flawed project from the start, says Dr Richard Wellings

Commenting on the Government’s announcement to review the costs and benefits of rail project HS2, the IEA’s Head of Transport Dr Richard Wellings said:

“HS2 was a flawed project from the start. The economic case for it never made much sense, which explains why the rationale for the rail project keeps changing.

“We should welcome the Government’s plan to examine the costs and benefits of this pricey project, which should further highlight that the rail line is years behind schedule and will probably be tens of billions of pounds over-budget.

“The review should also compare how the current HS2 budget could be spent in other ways. Lower taxes, less regulation, and investment in local transport would do far more to regenerate the North of England than a hugely expensive rail line.”

Notes to Editors

For media enquiries please contact Emma Revell, Communications Manager | 07931 698 246

For further IEA reading on HS2, click here.

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