Lifestyle Economics

Gove’s bottle-deposit scheme will increase costs for consumers


In the Media

Keith Boyfield writes for City AM

Housing and Planning

Kristian Niemietz writes for Coffee House

Chris Snowdon writes for Spiked

Chris Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics at the IEA, writes for Spiked, taking apart the case of DEFRA’s proposed Deposit Return Scheme.

According to DEFRA, the scheme will require 35,000 reverse vending machines to be installed around the country and a new quango – the Deposit Management Organisation – to be created. Small retailers will be required by law to turn themselves into manual take-back points, with minimal remuneration.

The system is expected to cost over a billion pounds in its first year, with ongoing costs of £814million per annum. The government expects this to be paid for by consumers who don’t return their drink containers and by producer fees charged by the Deposit Management Organisation. Either way, it means higher prices for consumers.

Read the full piece here.

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