Economic Theory

On iTunes Now: IEA Podcast Channel

Yesterday the Institute of Economic Affairs launched a new podcast series on iTunes, IEA Conversations.

At a time when liberty and free markets are desperately needed in the politics of Britain, and further afield, we hope that IEA Conversations will become a strong outlet for free market opinion.

Our channel will bring weekly commentary and analysis on some of the pressing issues of our time, from Brexit and migration, to issues like the gig economy, basic income and the future of automation.

You can download our podcasts for free by following this link, or alternatively, you can search ‘IEA Conversations’ in the podcast section of iTunes.

Our two most recent podcasts include a Brexit update from Dan Hannan MEP, and a discussion about how you’ll live to be 700 years old, featuring the IEA’s Head of Education Dr Steve Davies.

We have also recently released an episode on the perils of economic nationalism, an ideology which is gaining traction around the world, from Donald Trump’s protectionist policies, to Theresa May’s centrally planned ‘Industrial Strategy.

And we release frequent podcasts with updates from our Brexit Unit.

We’re looking forward to hosting further discussions with Westminster’s best and brightest, and are really excited to see where the round of episodes take us.

You can download all of our podcasts here – and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!

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