Economic Affairs

Public-Private Partnerships (Volume 29.1)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on government healthcare provision in different countries

Economic Affairs

The importance of liberty, contracts and private property

PPPs may offer poor value for money
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Main articles

PPP/PFI – solution or problem? (editorial) by David Parker

The use of contract by government and its agents (sample article) by Martin Ricketts

The private financing of NHS hospitals: politics, policy and practice by Mark Hellowell and Allyson M. Pollock

New Labour, public-private partnerships and rail transport policy by Robert Jupe

Public-private partnerships in the Netherlands: policy, projects and lessons by Erik-Hans Klijn

PPPs: the passage of time permits a sober reflection by Graeme A. Hodge and Carsten Greve

Other articles

Bankruptcy, the credit card and American freedom by Robert Ellmann

Current global warming alarmism and the Mont Pelerin Society’s long-term agenda by Vaclav Klaus

The nationalisation of retirement savings accounts in Argentina by Kristian Niemietz

Bush’s New Deal by Katharine Cornell Gorka

So near and yet so far in Geneva by Ronald Stewart-Brown

Power against people: a Christian critique of the state by Philip Vander Elst

Open occupations – why work should be free by Jason Potts

Economic viewpoints

On the effectiveness of fiscal policy as an instrument of macroeconomic policy by Philip Arestis and John McCombie

On the ineffectiveness of fiscal policy as an instrument of macroeconomic policy by Tim Congdon

Great crash/credit crunch: Friedrich Hayek’s business cycle theory by G. R. Steele

A review of the British Academy report, Punching Our Weight: The Humanities and Social Sciences in Public Policy Making by Craig Smith


A dreadful mess by Tim Congdon

Exit Goldilocks, enter crisis and new protectionist threats by Razeen Sally

The rise and fall of human capital theory by James Stanfield

India improves efforts to prevent fake drugs by Roger Bate

Minimum wage: the dog that is about to bark by John Meadowcroft

Book reviews

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