Economic Affairs

The Economics of Sport (Volume 17.3)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on the direction in which the Union is moving and Britain's relationship with its Continental partners, edited by Brian Hindley

Economic Affairs

Main articles on economic development in sub-Saharan Africa edited by Paul Collier

Government and Institutions

Main articles on the economics of sport edited by Peter Sloane

Editorial: The Economics of Sport: an Overview by Peter Sloane

Main Articles

The Implications of Athlete Freedom to Contract: Lessons from North America by Allen R. Sanderson & John J. Siegfried

Implications of the Bosman Ruling for Football Transfer Markets by Robert Simmons

The Rugby Revolution: New Horizons or False Dawn? by Dennis Thomas

The Market for Corporate Control in Professional Football: Is There an Agency Problem? by Robert McMaster

Team Performance and Managerial Change in the English Football League by Richard Audas, John Goddard & Stephen Dobson

Regulation of the Broadcasting of Sporting Events by Samuel Cameron

The Shadow Economies of Western Europe by Friedrich Schneider

Economists, Crime and Punishment: a Comment on Stephen Shaw’s ‘Accounting for Crime’ by David J. Pyle


In the City: Short-termism and Company Taxation by Tim Congdon

Social Affairs: Social Security Reform: Is There a Role for Mutuality? by David G. Green

Education: Private Vouchers for the Poor by James Tooley

The Environment: Climate Bandwagon Hits the Buffers by Roger Bate

Fallacies: Taxes Should Go Up to Slow Inflation by Geoffrey E. Wood

Book Reviews

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