[PODCAST] 75 years since ‘The Road to Serfdom’

75 years ago this month, Friedrich Hayek, the Austrian Economist recruited by the LSE, published his manifesto for a free and liberal society: “The Road to Serfdom.”

The book – or some might say the siren alert to the perils of socialism – was written in the evenings between 1940 and 1943, while he was acting as a war-time Cambridge fire warden.

Hayek and his publishers anticipated modest sales. Indeed, war-time paper rationing allowed it to be printed only in small runs. But the publication soon turned into a popular phenomenon

On today’s podcast, the IEA’s Associate Director Kate Andrews discusses why the Road to Serfdom became a huge success, and remains relevant to this day, with the IEA’s Research Fellow Professor Philip Booth and the Director of the Adam Smith Institute, Dr Eamonn Butler.

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