
The crisis and the Austrian theory of the business cycle: Conventional policy solutions and some Austrian ones

  •  09/07/2010
The current economic crisis is a classic example of the Austrian theory of the business cycle. This lunchtime discussion will critique current policy solutions and put forward radical measures for dealing with the crisis – including a total restructuring of the banking system into 100% reserve but otherwise free banking , dealing with the national (more…)


2 Lord North Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3LB, United Kingdom

(Entrance on Great Peter Street)

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This event will explore why the work of Ludwig von Mises should be at the heart of practical policy thinking today

  •  22/07/2010
The Institute of Economic Affairs invites you to attend: A Seminar on: Why today’s political class needs Ludwig von Mises Session One 4:00pm-4:45pm The life, work, importance and influence of Ludwig von Mises Chairman: Prof Philip Booth, Institute of Economic Affairs Speaker: Dr Eamonn Butler, Adam Smith Institute Session Two 4:45pm-5:40pm NHS reform: how the (more…)


2 Lord North Street, Westminster, SW1 (entrance on Great Peter Street)

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Delivered by Prof Jesús Huerta de Soto

  •  28/10/2010
This year's LSE Hayek lecture is being given by an IEA author and we are delighted to support this event. The eminent Professor Jesús Huerta De Soto will present his innovative solutions to the banking crisis and the credit crunch, working within the tradition of the Austrian School masters. Prof de Soto will unveil proposed (more…)


Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, London School of Economics

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