
The Global Education Industry


Monetary Policy

Professor Otmar Issing, a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank, assesses the first five years of the euro's life.

Housing and Planning

John Corkindale argues for the privatisation of the land use planning system
The first edition of this pioneering book produced surprising conclusions from research around the world into the extent of private education. Drawing on examples from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Peru, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and other countries, Professor Tooley gave a snapshot of private education that was unknown to many readers; contrary to expectations, the private education sector was large in the countries studied, was innovative, and was not the exclusive domain of the wealthy. On the contrary, he found that the private sector often provided social responsibility, subsidised places and student loan schemes.

Tooley identifies the factors that impede or facilitate the development of the private education sector in various countries, focusing on the regulatory regimes that may impinge upon private education. This led him to conclude with a proposal for the role of for-profit education enterprises in promoting equitable development.

In this second edition, Professor Tooley contributes a new preface which shows how his work has developed and extended into other countries. In particular, he provides a fascinating account of how private education is flourishing in China.

2001, Hobart Paper 141, ISBN 0 255 36503 9, 200pp, PB

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