
Sir Humphrey’s Legacy: the true cost of public sector pensions (web publication)



Professor John Hibbs examines the dangers of re-regulating the bus industry.

Economic Theory

Has the Green Movement really won the climate change argument? Energy shortages will influence us more than climate catastrophe (or the Greens), argues Richard D North

A new estimate of Britain's public sector pensions burden
In a paper presented at the IEA’s Second Annual Political Economy Conference, Neil Record sets out his new calculation of Britain’s public sector pensions burden.

This research is part of a larger study for which the final results will be published in mid 2006.

2005, Current Controversies 20

The IEA has also recently published a monograph of the shortcomings of government pension policy, A Way out of the Pensions Quagmire by Philip Booth and Deborah Cooper.

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