
Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty – An Account of Its Argument



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Government and Institutions

A superb analysis of this masterpiece of political economy
F. A. Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty has had a profound effect on the thinking of a generation of scholars, students and even politicians. There is a sense in which it is regarded as a manifesto of traditional liberalism. But the book has a complex underlying argument, and the philosophy is often difficult to understand for the non-specialist reader. This monograph, in the great tradition of IEA publications, both summarises and interprets the argument of The Constitution of Liberty for a non-specialist audience. It does so by setting Hayek’s seminal book in the context of his earlier and later works.

This Occasional Paper by Eugene Miller is so full of original insights that it will also act as a very useful companion volume for those studying The Constitution of Liberty in an academic setting. Indeed, it will also prove an invaluable work of reference for all who are interested in defending and promoting liberty.

‘With this clear, concise, and nuanced account of the major themes of Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty, Eugene Miller has done an invaluable service to Hayekian scholarship. It is a wonderful essay. Every student of Hayek’s ideas is in his debt.’

Professor Bruce Caldwell, General Editor, The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek

2010, Occasional Paper 144, ISBN 978 0 255 36637 3, 208pp, PB

See also:

The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek

Denationalisation of Money by F. A. Hayek

A Tiger by the Tail: The Keynesian Legacy of Inflation by F. A. Hayek

Economic Freedom and Representative Government by F. A. Hayek

The Confusion of Language in Political Thought by F. A. Hayek

Hayek’s Challenge by Bruce Caldwell

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