Economic Affairs

Economic Affairs (Vol 35.3)



New IEA briefing explains why the Prime Minister is wrong on social mobility

Government and Institutions

The IEA launches a major new five-year project
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  • Introduction (pages 327–328) by J. R. Shackleton

  • Economies of Desire: Sexuality and the Sex Industry in the 21st Century (pages 329–348) by Catherine Hakim

  • Why Is Italy Doing So Badly? (pages 349–365) by Gianluigi Pelloni and Marco Savioli

  • Realistic Idealism and The Project of Political Economy (pages 366–379) by Mark Pennington

  • Defining Capitalism (pages 380–396) by Elaine Sternberg

  • The Road Not Taken: A Comparison Between the Hard ECU and the Euro (pages 397–415) by John Phelan

  • Economic Freedom and Women’s Emancipation in the MENA Region (pages 416–427) by Souad Adnane

  • What is Climate Change Policy Now Trying to Achieve? (pages 428–442) by David Campbell

  • An Austrian Analysis of China’s Unsustainable Boom (pages 443–452) by David Howden and Jason XingBin Li

  • Deirdre Mccloskey, Kirznerian Growth and The Role of Social Networks (pages 453–463) by Vincent Geloso

  • Discussion: Greece: Is there Light at the End of the Tunnel? (pages 464–470) by Vicky Pryce

  • Discussion: Infrastructure and Financial Innovation (pages 471–478) by Pythagoras Petratos

  • Reviews (pages 489-498)

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